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Welcome to PW. :blush:


The best place to start is to find a local club and get yourself down there. You'll be able to handle a number of different rifles and will get an idea of how well you can shoot. This is most important as you should be able to consistently hit a 2pence sized target at 30 yards, before attempting to shoot live quarry. You'll also be able glean a wealth of knowledge from fellow shooters who will point you in the right direction.

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hi new to this site could any body recomend a good powerful air rifle for rabbits and crows



Sorry to say this, but no matter what air rifle you get, the full power at a legal limit if 12 lbs and no more.

So no matter what gun you obtain, there’s no avoiding the above.

Now, you really should be looking into which gun offers the most accuracy levels at this poundage.


This should surely be a better choice of options as there’s so many guns to choose from, I don’t really wish to get into the *** for tat over what guns best, as there’s so many good options to look at.


I think your best option would be to visit your local gun shop and check out the new rifles and see which one fits you best.





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Hi Malc,


I recommend the following:


Calibre: .22

Single shot or multiple shot: Multiple if you can afford it.

Full lenghts or Carbine: Carbine - shorter is easier in a hide

Moderator: Yes - essential

Bipod: Yes - Harris is the best - don't waste money on something cheap. Harris SLM 9-13" notched would be a good choice.

Sling: yes - makes walking long distances over fields easier

Scope: For hunting use magn. 4 to 6; for low light the largest aparture you can afford, so a 4-8x50 or 4-8x56 would be good. Don't waste your money on a scope with a magn. of 12 (such as I use) or 24 - it is not very useful for hunting so you are paying for something you don't need. The IR scopes (Illuminated recticles) also add to the costs and have never used it yet even in bad light conditions.


Note if you go for a multiple shot you need to buy a Pre Charged Pneumatic (PCP) - the charging gear will add another £150 or so to the total cost.

However many hunters are happy and very successful with a springer - its your field craft that matters, not your bank balance.


If I had some cash to burn my choices for a new hunting rifle would be limited to:

Air Arms S410 .22 carbine

BSA Scorpion T-10

And many air gunners swaer by Theoben Rapids for hunting, but I think they are ugly.


Good hunting

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Personally if you are just starting out, get a springer.


YOu dont have to worry about the cost of charging gear etc and to be honest you dont always need a multi-shot.


Get a good condition second hand Weirauch, BSA or Webley and put the rest of the money in the bank.


If along the line you wish to upgrade to PCP, then when you come to sell the springer you wont take such a hit on the sale because the money was already lost on the person who bought it new and sold it to you - in other words you wont lose much money on it.


My 2p



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The 1st air rifle i bought was a Theoben fenman with a profile stock in .20 cal, shot crows, rabbits, rats, wood pigeons, magpies, squirrels and never had a problem, one shot, one kill, would recomend one of these guns to any body, has the hitting power of .22 with the flat trajectory of the .177.


A good second choice for a spring gun would be the good old Hw 77 carbine.


Both of these guns are available second hand for reasonable amounts off money, buy a good second handone, and when you fancy a change you won't lose money like the cheaper varieties will.

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