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Do you have any weapons


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Well, you asked for it, it rather blows your theory out of the water though!!


Dictionary definition of gun;


1. a weapon consisting of a metal tube, with mechanical attachments, from which projectiles are shot by the force of an explosive; a piece of ordnance.

2. any portable firearm, as a rifle, shotgun, or revolver.

3. a long-barreled cannon having a relatively flat trajectory.

4. any device for shooting something under pressure: a paint gun; a staple gun.

5. Slang. a person whose profession is killing; professional killer: a gangland gun.

6. British. a member of a shooting party.

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Good question this, I can see why you may think that you are being 'sensitive'. When I talk to people about shooting I tell them that I have a number of firearms, after all they are held on a firearms certificate authorised by the PSNI (can still be a sensitive subject here in NI).

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As stated before it is all symantics we all youse our guns/rifles to kill


Definition of Arms as in Firearms


Usually, arms. weapons, esp. firearms.

2. arms, Heraldry. the escutcheon, with its divisions, charges, and tinctures, and the other components forming an achievement that symbolizes and is reserved for a person, family, or corporate body; armorial bearings; coat of arms.

–verb (used without object) 3. to enter into a state of hostility or of readiness for war.

–verb (used with object) 4. to equip with weapons: to arm the troops.

5. to activate (a fuze) so that it will explode the charge at the time desired.

6. to cover protectively.

7. to provide with whatever will add strength, force, or security; support; fortify: He was armed with statistics and facts.

8. to equip or prepare for any specific purpose or effective use: to arm a security system; to arm oneself with persuasive arguments.

9. to prepare for action; make fit; ready.

—Idioms10. bear arms, a. to carry weapons.

b. to serve as a member of the military or of contending forces: His religious convictions kept him from bearing arms, but he served as an ambulance driver with the Red Cross.


11. take up arms, to prepare for war; go to war: to take up arms against the enemy.

12. under arms, ready for battle; trained and equipped: The number of men under arms is no longer the decisive factor in warfare.




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