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I don't know much about them, they are an HPR breed so will undoubtedly be a ball-acher to train.


Saw three in a scurry at the local gamefair recenlty, didn't exactly storm to the top of leaderboard.


Check www.largemunsterlanderclub.co.uk



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back in the states a fair number of guys were using both large and small munsters to good effect in various bird dog trials. There is one that lives down the street from me (not a working dog) and is a nice dog. It is still a puppy and is a bit rambunctious but otherwise a nice dog. Personally, I think you can do just as well with a GSP and you have a lot more choice in breedings.




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Spoke to a chap who had a couple at a gamefair last year. He reckoned that they made ok working dogs but were prone to giving too much tongue - he ended up just having them as pets.


Apparently in their homeland they yap when on a scent / trail.

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I nearly got one of these dogs back in the spring, but was put off by the experiances of some owners. They seem to be prone to running when on a scent. But look back 6 months or so in this section and you will find a couple of posts on musterlanders and links to more information.

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