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Magnet Motor

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I have had a quick look through and didn't find much. I have time and the workshop but not the money to go buy a rotary so making is my only option.....unless someone has one for sale at the right price please.


Question. what is the best wiper motor to use please i have been toying with one from maplins as there geared right down but the £15. i might be able to get a better prce at the scrapper but i need to know what is the best motor to look for. what sort of RPM are we looking for as well.


I know its been done to death but i have looked in the search.


thanks for you time gents


kind regards


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forget the wiper motor mate i used an old cordless screwdriver and it works a treat still have the chuck in on it so i can use on or two birds



Dose the motor get hot after a few hours of use. i have a Hitachi here that the 12v battery is shot so if it doesnt get hot then it might be a go'er is i can find a way to mount it. i also have two 3v black and decker screwdrivers as well and there the right shape to use pipe clamps with.


if i was to use a wiper motor which one, i was thinking about the waterproof side of things as well.

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I use Escort MK 3 wiper motor. :hmm:


Just went a got one of these so thanks for that.



A window motor uses less power then a screen motor, try one of those.

Just got one of these as well.

I will make two as its just the same whether it's one or two. and i will see how they go.


Going to make a few other bits as well but I'm not saying until finished just in case there pants.lol.


I also took every Ariel i could as well. there just right for bouncer. i will just tape them onto bamboo canes for now as the wheat is still up.


I like making things.lmao.



thanks for all your help gents.


Kind regards


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I use Escort MK 3 wiper motor. :good:



What battery do you use and how long do you get out of it please.


soory about all the questions but i want to try and get it right 1st time :hmm::lol:


I use a 12v 17AH lead sealed battery.Purchased from local agricultural merchant, had this now for a few years lasts about 6 hours with speed controller fitted. :good:

Edited by Bryn
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Why not just buy a second hand or really cheap magnet? :good:



Because its not the same and I don't think i could find one for as cheap as a fiver. I have a shed/workshop at the bottom of the garden so as long as i can find motor speed info and such then it's only a case of cutting a few bits of metal and buzz them with the welder. I have just ordered a motor with a planet gear box on it so that means no welding at all, just tubes and a few nuts and bolt. hardest bit will be the clamp for the arms but then i have a lathe just sitting there so :good:


Innovation not Imitation...........lmao

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maybe try using old fishing rods for the booms to fix the deecs on to maybe pick them up at car boot fairs for a couple of quid

i did see some in poundland shops but they were only 6feet long not sure if they would be any good for for a quid a peice guess maybe worth a go

just a thought all the same

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forget the wiper motor mate i used an old cordless screwdriver and it works a treat still have the chuck in on it so i can use on or two birds



Dose the motor get hot after a few hours of use. i have a Hitachi here that the 12v battery is shot so if it doesnt get hot then it might be a go'er is i can find a way to mount it. i also have two 3v black and decker screwdrivers as well and there the right shape to use pipe clamps with.


if i was to use a wiper motor which one, i was thinking about the waterproof side of things as well.

dont think it will overheat as i have had mine on for over three hours and had no problem with it as for it being water proof ???

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  • 2 weeks later...

rpm 30 to 40 variable for different conditions, ive used both wiper motor and modified battery drill motors , battery drill motors work fine but just a little more hassle with mounting, they get a little warm but my existing one has been in use for 18 months now, the lighter you can make the arms the better for battery and motor life , i just use hypa flaps (shell decs with wings prior to hypa flaps) the arms are B&Q alluminium 2 section 2 sizes , one fits in the other and is epoxyd in and a small rivet added for extra security, speed controler is the trigger from the battery drill mounted in an ABS box with a bolt to vary the speed that presses on the trigger, only welding that was done was the arm to motor mount where i adapted the hex spindle of a battery drill bit to recieve both arms on a one piece pivot arangement, motor mounted on an old fishing tri-pod,i glassfibre'd the cut down drill houseing with motor to the rod rest shaft. has been a pic on here in the past , but if it helps i can mail you a pic , send addy

Edited by deny essex
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Right, finished the rotary, just need to finish the flappers.


the rotary. one length of b'n'q 20mm tube for the pole and the arms are two 6mm i/d alui tubes with two 6mm o/d alui bars. if you look through there pile you might be lucky and get the tubes and bars to fit. then i spun up some bits to i could add some locking screws to hold the arms in place.

the motor is a 60rpm one from hong kong. ordered it on the wedensday and it was delivered on the monday :hmm: off center shaft so i had to rework things a little but a piece of 50mm plastic plumbing tube and an endcap was all that was needed.


I used a few ideas from other makes on the market but as im making only for myself, no one else, then there's no need for me to worry about the copy rights, besides copy is a form of flattery i have always been told. yes i have had loads and loads of my ideas copied and used.hehe bits i have copied are the 3 tied rings on the hyper lite and the adjustable hights for the arms of someone elses.


I will try and remember to take a few photos and put them up.


the motor and battery worked out well. i was given a duff battery out of a power pack, a few charges and dis-charges helped that one. i charged the battery and then put the rotory on for 5 hours after which the barrery still read 12.6v. well chuffed


now for some packers.



thanks all for your input and help.


In all i spent about £25 so not a real saving but i made it.

sorry i had to imitate in the end.lol.

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