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Saw a Kestrel with ? Jesse attached today.


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Out on bikes with my daughter and saw a Kestrel hunting other side of the river. Thought it strange as it never seemed to mind us. It made a kill and when it took off there was a foot long brown string trailing. Guessed it may have been the jesse of a falconer. Should I contact the local ones or is it not worth the bother? Seemed to be fending for itself ok.

Edited by vole21
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I would contact them for what it's worth.


There could well be falconry forums where there is a missing bird list and any sightings that are reported will be appreciated.


FM :good:


Sounds like a fair enough suggestion, there could well be a search going on for the bird and every scrap of info would be appreciated, if only to confirm the bird was still fit and well.


:hmm: D2D

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