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Toddler shot with airgun critical


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Tragic accident, but you gotta question the wisdom of using a gun with kids in the vicinity, let alone leaving it unattended to take a phone call.

Trouble is it then leads to calls for tighter licensing etc (which I'm not against) but which wouldn't have prevented this kind of occurance anyway.

Even my understanding wife asked "could your gun/s do that" such is the shock value on this one.

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You wouldn't leave a plastic bag or a small object that could be swallowed or suffocate the toddler. Same with a rifle.


What was he using as Target practice inside the house? As it wouldnt of been loaded if it wasnt being used inside.


Can any of you's guess when a licensing law for air rifles will come in? I give it less than 2 years.



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i remember when a young lassy was shot in the face with an airgun off an idiot in gateshead a few years ago the poor lass lost her sight in one eye

god only knows what these idiots are thinking when they do that

but like the post says it was an accident which should never be able to happen

guns are not toys and should never be left where otheres can get their hands on them


common sense is all they need

sorry about the toddler gettting hurt

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sorry to say this but what the hell was the father thinking i have 4 small girls aged 6 and under and my girls know i have a gun i know that u dont touch it at all my 2 year old knows this even though i dont leave it laying around and i would never fire it with them been in the same area as me at the end ov the day




dont get me wrong i do feel for the kids and my heart goes out to the mother and children but the dads an idiot in my eyes

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