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Stock removal


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Hello...i have picked up a cheap old zaballa shotgun, which i intend to strip and refinish the stock..just for a wee hobby...and i am interested in seeing the inside of the gun itself...problem is...first hurdle...i cant split the action from the stock have the trigger gaurd off large scew from trigger side and large screw from saftey side...the action is loose and feels ready to come free...but something is holding it....no access from butt end of stock....only two small holes for butt pad...anybody shed any light on how i might get this job done...so i can get into it with the nitro-mors..:rolleyes:

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Got it....with help from wise younger bro !!! was a plate around the base of the trigger mechanism that had to be removed...no bolt through stock...only thing is in my frustration i have removed two pins from the action....now i really can see in the workings....getting it back together will be the probem ....a well it was manky anyway and needs a good clean up...screwfix tomorrow for nitromors and 0000 wire wool going to take some before during and after pics....thanks for replys

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