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My cocker has developed swelling around her last two pairs of teats over the last couple of days. The same area is also sagging slightly or at least more noticeably than usual. Any ideas from anyone. After our walk this morning the area also seemed inflamed but I put that down to the cover she was running through. It might be nothing but while it will be tomorrow night before the vet is open I thought I'd ask here.


The only other strange behaviour is ruining the carpet whilst making a bed for herself which she has never done before. I've had to start adding meat to her dry food to get her to eat anything.


She has just turned 12 months old and had her first season at 9 months.


Eagerly anticipating any replies



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Case of a "phantom pregnancy" possibly.


Swelling of teats, additional "bedding down".


Not 100% on bitches, but my boy has started to be a bit "boisterous" and every now and again tries the old humpy humpy leg routine.


Hes 18 months.


Sure others on here will either offer some advice or comments.

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Cheers chaps. It's better this morning and the inflamation turned out to be on one side and looks as if she has caught herself on something. Vets tonight anyway just to be sure. Can phantoms effect her ability to have pups later in life?



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Is quite common in bitches from what I can gather.


Sometimes they often keep a toy very close and do "doggy" mummy stuff.............


Think that there are some "side effects" that can occur if they continue to have them.........but not 100 percent sure what they are..........



Glad its cleared up.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Having thought the problem was clearing itself I let it be. She had definately grazed the skin in the same area and so I thought this was partly to blame. Took her to the vets today as one teat was still bigger than the other and felt slightly lumpy inside.




Have to drop the dog off tomorrow morning for the day so they can do a biopsy. The vet said she didn't want to worry me but it may be cancerous and rather than second guess, just do the test and be sure. Then she went on to tell me what was involved in operating on her. I was to realise that it is a difficult operation because they would cut out the whole strip on her belly, basically all her teats. What the....................


Thankfully I've calmed down since this afternoon, I was in a right state when I was bringing her home.


Until the test results come back I can only speculate so I wont. She is a year past August.



Please wish her luck.....



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She's fine.


Just picked her up from the vet's and all is going to ok.


"Fine needle aspirate (FNA) of the mammary glands revealed a milky fluid, which is consistent with mammary hyperplasia following a season."


Basically, her glands got swollen after her season but kept swelling. And she probably did have a phantom pregnancy.


If I didn't have plans to take pups from her the vet advised that she be spayed. However if I did want pups, then that was also ok but it should be before she is four. After which she should be spayed just to be sure.


The vet also mentioned that the swelling will probably occur after every season but to look out for it and medicate it.


The medecine I have for her now is the same as for a phantom pregnancy.



Anyway, onwards and upwards. Chloe and I have put in a lot of work for this coming pheasant season and I am glad she is going to experience it. And if on the first drive she runs straight to the end of the wood, then so what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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cockers ae one of the worst breeds i have known for phantom pregs.i have noticed that the heat/season can vary aswell.the last time my young cocker was in heat it was in for 29 days.four weeks later a phantom preg which she soon got over.

the only thing i was wary about was whether she produced mastitis with haveing milk on her.

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