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first night out


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You might have slipped up mate - found this on the official lamping website set up the gov....






There are no specific legal restrictions on the night shooting of foxes. Authorised persons may legally carry out this form of fox control. Ensure you comply with previous guidance in this code.


Restrictions on the taking and killing of rabbits and hares

The night shooting of rabbits and hares by tenants or occupiers of land, who are not the owners of the land, are subject to the following restrictions (the restrictions do not apply to landowners).


Landowners need to be aware of the legal restrictions of shooting hares at night:


The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 amended Section 6 of the Ground Game Act and Section 50 of The Agricultural (Scotland) Act 1948, to allow night shooting of ground game under certain conditions.


England and Wales: it is lawful for the occupier of any land himself, or one other person authorised by him, to use firearms for the purpose of killing ground game at night if the occupier has the written authority of a person entitled to kill or take the ground game on their land e.g. holder of shooting rights. The following conditions apply:


1. No person should be authorised by the occupier to kill ground game except:

a) members of his household resident on the land in his occupation

:whistling: persons in his ordinary service on such land e.g. employees

c) any other person, bona fide employed by him for reward in taking and destruction of ground game


2. Every person so authorised by the occupier, on demand by any other person having a concurrent right or any person so authorised by him in writing, must produce their written authority. In default, a person would not be deemed to be an ‘authorised person’.


Under the Game Act 1831 Section 30 non-compliance with any of the above restrictions may make the person taking ground game a trespasser within the scope of poaching legislation e.g. trespass in pursuit of game. A defence that the person had permission from the occupier would not apply




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