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Gun cleaning & maintenance!


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It appears that I got a bit of rust on the barrel of my shotty (it seems the only plae that has rusted is the part that rests on the sponge that sticks inside the cabinet :lol: ) So I wiped it off with a bit of kithen towel :rolleyes: but was wondering about a few tips for proper cleaning/maintenance.


Could probally do with a cleaning kit, also should be getting a 22lr soon (waiting for the FAC to come throguh, been bout 2-3 weeks so hopefully ok) and then.


What do I need to get ? could do with some advice and tips on cleaning and the such, although I dont really intend on leaning the 22 that much. (Its a Browning T-bolt btw, with the straight pull bolt)


Appreiate tips n help! :lol:

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