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is it possable


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Possible if you live in a quite remote area I guess - but not very likely otherwise unless you can display fairly extensive use of one at your age. You've not indicated whether you have wide expanses of uncleared land to shoot it over, I think you'd have mentioned this in your post if that were the case.


Why do you feel you can justify an open certificate while most others regardless of age have to prove themselves competent over two or three years before getting one?

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well mate im 14 and have applied for my FAC but i would'nt of thought they would let you have an open ticket on your first application (they might - if you shot at a club and on land with someone else for a year or so) but the chances are probably not. It took a guy round my way 2 years to get an open ticket, besides it would be that much hasel ringin em up and askin. Also if you have loads of land to shoot on, ring them up everyday and they'll get annoyed with you asking to check this and that all the time. :good:

Edited by soreshoulder
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Ask, the worst they can say is no. I got mine open after 9 months, but had to provide evidence of 5 permissions first. Each force is different, but most will hold you back until you actually need one. Some put a time limit on it, some refuse, some want a set number of permissions, and others just give it to you. Nothing regarding FACs is ever simple :lol:

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