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Rape just come through and Drilling


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Going to a shoot tomorrow where half of the 350 acre fields were sown with rape which we have been told has started to come through the surface, and the farmer will be doing some more drilling (not sure what) whilst we are there in adjoining fields.


Because the farm is so far (60 miles away) we don't get a chance to go and see what the pigeons are doing. We aim to be there for day break.


There are three of us going with decoys, bouncers, two magnets ect.


Any tips on how to set up and what sort of day to expect? I know there are no guarantees, but do the woodies like rape at this early stage or will they be following the tractor drilling?


Thanks in advance

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A lot depends on what he is drilling and what the alternatives are.

IMO pigeons prefer drillings to rape.


I shot some drilled wheat today and the pigeons were following the seed drill, like seagulls follow the plough.

All the shot birds were full of the "red" wheat grains.


Take some time to have a look round and see where the birds are and be prepared to move (after you have set up), if its necessary.

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A lot depends on what he is drilling and what the alternatives are.

IMO pigeons prefer drillings to rape.


I shot some drilled wheat today and the pigeons were following the seed drill, like seagulls follow the plough.

All the shot birds were full of the "red" wheat grains.


Take some time to have a look round and see where the birds are and be prepared to move (after you have set up), if its necessary.



Yep agree with cranfield, round here they are too dam good at drilling deep with little grain spilage on top :wub:

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would you use magnets on either of the two (drilling or rape)?

i thought they'd like the fresh succulant rape?


Not aways nessesary to use a magnet on any crop, start without it , if birds have been feeding on a crop before you set up and you set your decoys up with the right fieldcraft using the magnet may change what was a normal feeding pattern look. the magnet can help to draw the birds in if the birds seem reluctant to decoy, but its different days different ways . rape is lower down the menu for pigeon when there is grain around normaly.

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I have been out today having a nose about ,The pigeons are favouring the old stubbles over newly drilled rape :wub:

Come to think of it Iv,e never had any really big days on drilled rape .I had a couple of shots and they just cleared off. They were certainly not suicidle like I have seen them on peas and the like.

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Rape realy works out as a survival crop for pigeon in the depth of winter when all other food sorces are gone, by all acounts rape has mininal beneficial qualities for pigeon but does alow them to survive hard lean winters , it suposedly scours their gut so if they can get anything else instead of rape they will, if there are winter peas , brussels and old potatoe piles etc they will feed on them more than rape. Its not uncommon as the birds flock up in winter to see huge flocks feeding on rape , what makes it difficult for the shooter is one shot and the huge flock flys away as one body, they will and do bulk up on rape very quickly in the winter months , quite often an early morning feed and a late afternoon feed, it doesnt take them long to bulk up and dropping birds with swollen bulging crops is common. It can be a very frustrateing time of year if all you have is rape to shoot over , winter peas are a shooters delight as any birds around will want their fill on pea crop rather than rape.

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OK, firstly thanks to all you guys for the advice, Denny and Cranfield, this isn't the first time and your opinions are allways welcome and respected.


So how did it go......


Got there for first light and all three of us split and set up initially on the fresh rape. The sky was clear and the wind was light so that wasn't a great start. To cut a long story short, the farmer had a problem with the harvester so he didn't do any drilling whilst we were there and we were only there till 1pm.


Some early flighty birds around and my 'lucky dip' spot didn't seem too shabby, the birds were coming overhead from two or three directions and heading to their destinations but flying high. I managed to down the first one quite early as it decoyed nicely and got it on the bouncer as soon as the coast was clear. Then the second decoyed lovely and had that too except it came down and got straight up onto it's feet and started to attempt flyrun away; I got out from behind the hide to give chase, having taken four steps away and another one lands just behind my little friend with the broken wing....my gun's in the hide though :wub:


It quickly died out and there was nothing I could do to tempt them down, I changed the pattern, put the two on the magnet for a while but nothing. The truth is there wasn't much going on anywhere, my friends hadn't shot a thing and were going on walkabouts to try their luck. I picked up my gear and moved spot where I could see in the distance the odd flyover. That was absolutely dead, pigeons were doing impersinations of an albatros.... I went for a walk after a while and stood between a some sitty trees. I missed couple of shots and caught my best shot of the day over my left shoulder just as it was getting out of sight...it folded and landed on the top of a dense tree, I spent about ten minutes trying to see were the woodie had dropped but had no luck...gutted. Fifteen minutes later it must have thought it felt better because it attempted to fly again but landed a few feet away from me, I dispatched the bird and bagged the third.


So I ended the day with three woodies for seven cartridges, one of my mates got two and a ferrel and the other mate got nothing. A pretty poor day but a day out never the less.


The good news is we saw the farmer who told us the other half of the farm will be drilled with Barley, so we'll have Rape and Barley for the the new season as opposed to to just wheat as it just was.


Thanks again guys for the advice......sorry I couldn't report a better day.......................!

Edited by Cosd
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