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competition shooting


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There are lots of disciplines to shoot in competition, in North Yorkshire they tend to be Skeet, DTL and All/Round, as well as the odd sporting now and again. They are usually registered. None registered comps are held fairly regularly at smaller clubs.


What do you shoot now? Does your local shoot not hold any comps?

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To shoot registered competition you have to be a member of the CPSA


As such you get their magazine Pull that lists all the registered shoots. Some of the independent mags list them as well, but the PULL magazine listing is the definitive one.


The shoots are also listed on the CPSA website


You can "try out" registered competition by either becoming a CPSA clubman member that gives you entry at a nominated home ground, or by entering using the day ticket scheme 0 where operated. The former gives practice entry everywhere, but competition only at the nominated home ground. The latter allows you to shoot along side competition entrants at a registered shoot ( normally exclusive to CPSA members only).


If you join at Clubman level you can upgrade at any time to full member. As a full member you also get a classification ( ie class grading) and can shoot for county / region and at national levels.


All the info on www.cpsa.co.uk

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