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Prescription medication And FAC


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Hello all....since applying for my FAC i have since slipped a disk in my spine which has trapped a nerve....it bloody agony and have been prescibed some serious pain killers...ie Tramadol 300mg, Amatryptaline ....walking zombie...but takes some of the pain away...BUT...today i visted a spinal specialist (private health care) and he has added a drug that is normally used to treat epileptics...for 3 months....i am due my interview for FAC anyday now...i know i will have to tell him about the concution of drugs i am on...but should i get a note from the doctor to back up that i am not a depressed epileptic....just a normal Joe with a severely sore back :lol:?

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I know what you mean about being a zombie, I was on the same pain relief cocktail for my burns. When you do come off them, make sure that you do it carefully and gradually. I didnt, and cold turkey is no fun!


You really should tell the bobby, honesty is the best policy, unless of course you are off them when he comes around. Its not like they are antidepressants as far as I'm aware. I would guess that the police will probably contact your doctor under these circumstances. It may therefore be prudent to have a chat with your doctor beforehand.



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