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Pigeon shooter/s required Suffolk


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Hi guys , I am trying to help fellow PW forum members find shooting and have advertised to a lot of farmers (not going to tell you where as don't want to spoil things etc) .What I have done is offered farmers across the uk who are in need of Pigeon control to contact me and if they do I will post in this forum with details etc , then you contact me , I will then make up a list of prospectful shooters and forward to the farmer who will decide who to contact .


Anyone who wants to be considered must supply Age , be insured and reliable and sensible . As if someone messes up so to speak it will get back to fellow farmers and maybe we will hear no more offers in the future and you will also harm other Pw forum members chances ! .


The first farmer has contacted me and lives in Bury St Edmonds (Suffolk) , he has a serious Pigeon problem over 700 acres of rape in four locations around Bury St Edmonds , so it will be shotgun only (insured as well).


I am getting nothing from this except helping fellow Pw members out so please don't mess this up whoever is successful , for me and your other fellow members .


If you Pm me for the moment with Age,name, contact details and a little bit about yourself I can forward these details to the farmer and then he can decide who to pick .


All the best everyone and lets hope there may be more to come as if it works out the word should spread about . :oops:


Ps Teal if doing this is a problem let me know and I will withdraw the advert .

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barrieo what a brilliant and very kind idea mate well done :oops: .i dont need any extra shooting myself but if you ever get stuck and need cover in the west midlands let me know and id be only too glad to help you out . again mate very well done :lol:

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