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Spec me some 'in ear' protection


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Any links please?


I'm 23 and already suffer from tinnitus, thought I'd like to reduce/stop and further damage! I think too much loud music didnt help my hearing!


I don't like the idea of ear muffs, interested in looking at 'active' hearing solutions however. :rolleyes:


Thanks :rolleyes:



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muff style offer the best protection


Nope, they dont.


Check out the SNR ratings and you'll find the cheapest foam plugs have higher ratings than most muffs.


Ideally you want at least 30SNR, and most muffs dont achieve that.


Shotgun noise is around 140dB in front of the barrels, but back at the shooter it is around 120dB


Noise at work requirements are to reduce noise to 85dB at the operators ear, so its a good guideline as to what you want to achieve, and if you buy std muffs you will probably only get down to about 95dB. As noise is an exponential logarithmic curve, each 4dB is approximately a doubling of sound, so 95dB at the ear is actually over 5x louder than 85dB.


As the cranium also transmits noise, and cap helps keep the sound out of the ears.


For the very best results, go for custom moulded plugs, but if you cant afford them, just use foam plugs correctly fitted.


If ( like me) you hate things in your ears, then buy the highest SNR rated muffs you are comfortable with.

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if you've already got problems with hearing then I would get the best which is probably Sordin pro X waterproof and great for hunting very sensitive also clays if you want to chat! I noticed some on eBay for £155 which is a good price in mho 1000 carts will cost that and not last as long! I sweat slot on long marches rough shooting so I usualy remove the muff part and put a layer of cling film between the outer and inner padding then they are pretty much indestructable. I left mine in the field in the rain overnight and no problems

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