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Heating engineers- A question


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does the surface water from your house discharge to the surface water sewer system or to a soak away in the garden, if to a soak away and you can get to a down pipe you can run it away in there




this totally depends on the the design at time of construction but they have even raised concerns about soakways in the past as believe it or not it has been said that if everyone had a condensing boiler going into a soakaway then in theory it could even raise the water table (not said by me before you start i'm only saying what i read somewhere and i dont believe it!!!)


there are lots of installations where the condense goes into the rainwater system, all i was saying was its not supposed to if you follow the letter of the law


also with regards to soakaways filled with limestone chippings, please be aware that these need to be accessible as the chippings are supposed to be replenished each year when the annual boiler service is carried out (not a gas reg. but it is in the soakaway installation instructions (mcalpine)


by the way starlight, cant fault you with the boiler choice, Worcester or Vaillant :unsure:

Edited by krazykayaker
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krazyk, i know your "just sayin" an all.... but come on, my dog pi55es more liquid each day then a condensate drain makes....

also, ive fitted many a con drain into rain water drain before, but only when the property has combined soil and waste drainage.... which is older property's, granted... but i dont think ive ever come across an installation which cant be done....


if your still not convinced starlight, give us some details on house layout,, maybe photo's etc... bet we could easily sort a solution out.

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For me its an absolute no brainer, I had a not too old convenstional boiler running THREE radiators, On partial system, Inherited card payment meter and payed about Seven quid a week in winter, We decided to upgrade and fitted condensing boiler and Seven radiators, Cost five years ago still under a tenner! After all increases in last five years still just under twenty a week giving it some stick, The new boilers run for Nothing in comparison. I know it must but I cant say I have ever seen it pump water out of overflow, Though while changing bathroom siute I left condensate pipe disconnected for a day or two and only saw teacup full, I dont mean to sound silly but a bucket in a cupboard would last weeks i bet, There really is hardly any, So dont get in mind gallons a day!

Edited by fishman307
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For me its an absolute no brainer, I had a not too old convenstional boiler running THREE radiators, On partial system, Inherited card payment meter and payed about Seven quid a week in winter, We decided to upgrade and fitted condensing boiler and Seven radiators, Cost five years ago still under a tenner! After all increases in last five years still just under twenty a week giving it some stick, The new boilers run for Nothing in comparison. I know it must but I cant say I have ever seen it pump water out of overflow, Though while changing bathroom siute I left condensate pipe disconnected for a day or two and only saw teacup full, I dont mean to sound silly but a bucket in a cupboard would last weeks i bet, There really is hardly any, So dont get in mind gallons a day!



thats right, they dont produce alot of condensate... but for obvoius reasons, a bucket would never do.....


another thing is, your system can be setup properly, rather than how most installers leave them... most will just fit it and get it up and running...hot water and hot rads... but weather its condensing at its optimum rate is another issue... you can squeeze the most out of your latent heat,which will lower the dew point and produce more condensed water waste..

thats the difference between a bish bash bosh installer and an engineer....................... :angry:

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thats right, they dont produce alot of condensate... but for obvoius reasons, a bucket would never do.....


another thing is, your system can be setup properly, rather than how most installers leave them... most will just fit it and get it up and running...hot water and hot rads... but weather its condensing at its optimum rate is another issue... you can squeeze the most out of your latent heat,which will lower the dew point and produce more condensed water waste..

thats the difference between a bish bash bosh installer and an engineer....................... :hmm:


So, what do set your system drops at - old UK 11c - new uk 20c - european 30c or scandinavian 40c.


I find it difficult to get designers to go beyond 20c :angry::yes::yes:



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