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Another organized day on the rape

Stealth Stalker

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As a follow on from our mission last week the Pigeon un-preservation society were out in force yesterday, the 7am meet in the farmers office saw 14 keen decoyers eagerly awaiting a days sport :good:


The farmer highlighted and numbered the fields that were receiving the worst damage, then we chucked a couple of quid into the sweep for most birds shot, before drawing our pegs.


Well ****** me if I didn't pick the same peg as last week where I picked up 110 pigeon :shifty: There was uproar and the shout of it being a fix & they wanted a re draw :lol: I was asking Pelty for my winnings already ???


I set up in exactley the same spot confident that I knew how the pigeon would behave, exept the fact the weather wasn't playing the same game, there was hardly a breath of wind, bright blue skies & a hard frost :blink:


It was about 45 mins before I saw the first bird and you could tell it was gonna be 'one of them' days it was flying high showing no interest in the deeks what so ever, there were shots ringing out every now & then from the other hides & large numbers of birds on the wing, none of which were commiting.


On the radio to the other guys they were all having the same problem, then from behind me in the distance were shot after shot ringing out & I thought some one was finally getting some joy, I counted about 40 shots one after the other. Then over the radio Sean pipes up that he was getting so bored he got the clay trap out his motor & he couldn't hit any of those either :eh::/


I changed my layout, tuned the magnet off, put the flapper out, lofted deeks in the tree besides me & still there was very little interest. The birds that I did manage to take off the flightline had empty crops, so I was holding out for the manic last feed before roost but it just didn't materialise :lol:


Pelty had taken a drive round to a neighbouring farm & it seems that all the birds had shifted over there :good:


It wasn't a total washout, I finnished the day with 16 birds & the overall total was 114.


A hide with a total of 29 won the sweep.


It just go's to show how much the weather plays its part in a days decoying ???


We've got the next day planned for a fortnights time so hopefully the weather will behave.





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Unlucky SS,

same thing happened with me yesterday. Put out various bird scarers on 2 other rape fields, & lugged all my gear to where i was shooting at 4pm friday. Weather forecast said 15mph west wind for sat, so though good day was in order. Sat morning no wind, shot 5 birds and they didnt come back after 10.30. They went on to clover on couple of fields 1/2 mile away. Packed up decoys and had an hour under flight lines ended day with 12.


Can anyone answer Why, when ever you put your gun down & pour a brew or grab a butty, pigeons always come in range?? :good:

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