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How easy is it to fit a butt pad


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I think that if you're not sure how to do it, don't do it. Let a professional deal with it.

I would be quite comfortable adding a piece to the stock as I do plenty of woodwork, and this would be no different from making furniture. You need the right tools though. Replacing a stock would be somewhat more complex, and beyond my comfort level, so I would let a gunsmith deal with that.





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If the gun has a removable end plate, you can shim it out with plastic. Choose softer plastic so it will curve easily if the butt has a curve. You quite often see these in laminations of black and white between the plate or pad and the stock This method is quite easy as its snip to near size then sand with a pad to exact shape.


A rubber pad needs to have the stock cut flat on the end, mark out the shape, grind to just over size, and hand finish to fit. Having a linisher or belt sander is an advantage. These come in thicknesses from 15mm to 30mm, and can be made longer still with the plastic shims.


Push on ones come leather, £20-30 - Rubber, under a £10er - or neoprene for under £20. The neoprene Beartooth system has a series of foam rubber shims to adjust length. The rubber ones can be DIY lengthened with corrugated cardboard or similar.

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