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I always read any stalking treads with interest although i have never had anything to do with deer shooting, i understand the lingo and most of the discussions but have a few questions which i have never seen asked. it appears that several pw members shoot quite a number of deer my question is how many deer have health issues that make them unsuitable for the human food chain, do different specieshave different halth problems, do the problems differ around the uk' my other question is why is it so expensive to buy wild shot venison ready for the oven £17/kg for a beast that has little or no rearing costs mikee

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A healthy (and well managed) population should have very few deer that have health problems bad enough to prevent them going into the food chain. In my area, out of the few carcasses that have to be condemned, the majority are due to RTA's either killed outright by a vehicle or shot by stalkers whilst carrying injuries and related complications sustained from RTA's such as severely infected or gaping wounds.


In some areas (notably those not properly managed such as a certain well publicised League Against Cruel Sports estate) the numbers are much higher, being riddled with TB and such like due to overpopulation.


As for the cost of venison... well I guess it's a case of supply and demand. The estate I shoot on gets about £1 per lb for a carcass minus head and legs from the local game dealer... I guess by the time it gets to the shelf everyone in the chain has added their 'cut'!

Edited by alexm
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alexm, thanks for your reply, i understand that every body adds a cost but £17/kg, thats more than meat from beasts with rearing costs like lamb or beef which also have handling costs, just taking the p*@s i reckon mikee


Its wild game.. had they been bred and raised in a controlled enviroment like a Cow on a farm things would be different.. What if cows ran wild and the Deer didnt.. You would pay out the as like you do for the Venison, which i will give away as i have too much of the stuff..

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i'd like you to get £2/lb but the butchers are taking the p*@s for meat where the only cost is a bullet and cutting it up, i dont really like venison anyway but the kids wanted to try it, but at that price they never will




No, there not taking the ****, they have to stay in Business somehow.


No one has ever known a local butcher to be the local millionare, and to be honest I'd rather get a rubbish return, be a little ******, but see them in Business around my neighbourhood, than them going out of Business, and being taken over by the local Tescos.

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i'd like you to get £2/lb but the butchers are taking the p*@s for meat where the only cost is a bullet and cutting it up, i dont really like venison anyway but the kids wanted to try it, but at that price they never will





I guess from this post you've never been stalking, or spent countless freezing hours trying to get on a beast, then when you have shot begins the work, the gralloch the extraction, My Argocat cost me 8 grand, and then the trailer o transport it in, the cost of the lease, the fuel to get to my ground, on and on oh how I wish the only cost was a bullet

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its not a high street butcher its a venison dealer operating from his house, £17/kg is for muntjac, which are to all intents and purposes vermin and no one would need an argo cat to retrieve a muntjac you could put one in your game bag and carry it back to your car, these are shot in norfolk not high on a scotish hill miles from civilisation, i just cant see where the price comes from, the guy who shot it got about £1-2/lb or possibly he shot it himself then it cost about £10 all in, and for cutting it up, which cant cost that much, then suddenly its dearer than fillet steak and farmed venison which must have more over heads, you haven't convinced me yet that he's not pulling my chain



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its not a high street butcher its a venison dealer operating from his house, £17/kg is for muntjac, which are to all intents and purposes vermin and no one would need an argo cat to retrieve a muntjac you could put one in your game bag and carry it back to your car, these are shot in norfolk not high on a scotish hill miles from civilisation, i just cant see where the price comes from, the guy who shot it got about £1-2/lb or possibly he shot it himself then it cost about £10 all in, and for cutting it up, which cant cost that much, then suddenly its dearer than fillet steak and farmed venison which must have more over heads, you haven't convinced me yet that he's not pulling my chain




I will not disagree with you that game dealers are not the nicest people, BUT! No matter what you or farmers think about Muntjac, they are NOT vermin but are deer and thus protected under the deer act.

I can see your differences between a highland red and a munty but the stalker is not reaping vast rewards from this its the game dealer. Your solution to the problem, to allow yourslf to LEGALLY sell game to the public is to get a stainless steel sink and one or two other requirements and by a license to SELL game from the post office, display the sign in a prominent place and flog the venison yourself

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fullbore, i know that muntys are not vermin but i understand they are not given the same protection the other species are given, they are shot all year round and from the people i know who shoot muntjac they dont manage the populations and select certain animals they shoot every one they see yet numbers still increase, round here is crawling with them, as i drive round each day i see lots of them and most days see one or two new dead ones on the roads, although not legally vermin in reality they could almost be considered such, chinese water deer are getting to be the same in some places, i'm in a couple of local wildfowling clubs and some days i see more chinese deer than ducks. i do a lot of pigeon shooting on several large farms and estates and have just got another 1000 acre mixed arable and woodland permission and the owner asked if i would control the deer as well as the pigeons and rabbits, i dont have an fac but have considered getting one for a while now but was only going for .17hmr but i think i may put in for .243 as well and give it a try



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