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Any night vision users on this board?


Just wondering if anybody had any experiance with it out in the field.


From the research i have done my budget only appears to stretch to Gen 1 kit


I think im after an nv attachment rather than a dedicated nv scope


Just after a bit of advice realy before i take the plunge



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night vision attachments which clamp straight onto your scope do to me seem the best things in terms of value for money. Weight however may not be an asset to you while your out in the field. I am however currently saving up for a gen1 scope ment from www.sovietbazaar.co.uk have a look at their website.

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Ive got a Bushnell expedition 660 NVscope which is next to bloody useless. Its a gen 1 model and a complete waste of the £250 quid I paid for it.


I think if you want decent kit you have to pay decent money and that means Gen 2 models.


Try before you buy.... IF YOU CAN !




Ps Why do you need night vision with specs like that you could fry the ******* with a stare. ;):D

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Showing that optic fetish again FM ;) . i guess its a bit like buying optics, people always tell you to buy the best you can afford. night vision is no different.


although saying that i agree with FM gen 2 + 3 stuff does kinda knock your socks off. you do have to be realistic you have to weigh up how much use its gonna get, there's no point in a grands woth of night voision stuck in the cupbaord...


If you do buy make sure it is from a good retailer, as you will be able to send it back if there's any problems. ive heard of a few people being stung buying russian stuff of e-bay.


regards Coney

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I use a night vision scope and its a gen 1 and I get good results with it? lethal for bunnies in the right conditions? my scope is a PNS 4.6x52 you can get them for less than £200 BUT!! you need to set them up and PRACTICE with them mine is as accurate as anything bit you have to get used to the chevron as opposed to x hairs

and you DO need additional IR illumination I use a tracer max with an IR filter with this I can see whole fields and look for rabbits non of this see the eyes at whatever?

I use mine with an hw100 so its not the lightest of set ups but as I know my fields

I settle down and wait as in daylight and bing over they go? note that the "view" is 2 dimensional and distance judgement is nigh on immpossible if you either dont know your shoot well or you dont use a laser for range finding surprisingly I get better results in really dark low background light conditions,


A pain with a gen 1 is fear of tube burnout? you become paranoid about car headlamps etc etc but although I do intend to upgrade to a gen 2 or more if cash allows I have been more than happy with the gen 1 I have and certainly dont regret buying it.

cheers keith

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Met a bloke the other day who is a keen fox shooter with loads of money, I was after a few tips off him and he was telling me how successful he has been with his approach to the job. He highly recommended the British gen 3 nv scopes apparently they are what the army use. He also recommended an gen 3 nv spotting scope and to finish of a laser range finder. I thought to myself no wander you are succesful with £15000 grands worth of gear to lug about. Bloody hell the fox doesn't stand a chance! It would be nice though wouldn't it?

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Ps Why do you need night vision with specs like that you could fry the ******* with a stare.

Id love to find out who that lady is (yes im assured shes a lady). About time i changed my pic i think.


night vision attachments which clamp straight onto your scope do to me seem the best things in terms of value for money. Weight however may not be an asset to you while your out in the field. I am however currently saving up for a gen1 scope ment from www.sovietbazaar.co.uk have a look at their website.

This is why i thought after i had a look at Soviet Bazaar. They seem to rate the AGS SWAT 4-16x56 and NV combination pretty highly.


It looks like they are selling a basic NV monucular with built in illuminator with the scope rail and attachments kit so it can fit on the scope.


I was thinking that given my budget, this kind of set-up would be the best option for me.


Im under the impression that a decent scope with a nice big objective, like the SWAT can turn a basic monocular into a decent hunting tool. Your views?


you DO need additional IR illumination I use a tracer max with an IR filter with this I can see whole fields and look for rabbits non of this see the eyes at whatever?

You use this at close range or just for spotting? I mean i wouldnt mind using it for spotting at longer ranges but if your using it at close quaters then surley a NV set up has little advantage over a traditonal lamping set up? Not having a go, i just wondered


A pain with a gen 1 is fear of tube burnout? you become paranoid about car headlamps etc etc but although I do intend to upgrade to a gen 2 or more if cash allows I have been more than happy with the gen 1 I have and certainly dont regret buying it.

cheers keith

Thats good, so much of the Gen 1 kit availible is upgradable?


Decent GEN1 with a uprated (higher power) IR illuminator can be just as good as a low end GEN2 Why spend 1000s when you can get a decent GEN1 and an Illuminator for under £500

What makes a good illuminator? Am i looking for a higher wavelength?


I appreciate your input folks, im a night vision novice



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NV set up has little advantage over a traditonal lamping set up? Not having a go, i just wondered


sorry it has a hell of an advantage? everyone thinks bunnies just freeze? the odd one or two might? and certainly hares will, but bunnies are so lamp shy in some places? (loads of lampers with dogs up here) as soon as you swaitch on they bolt, with NV all you have is a red glow, bunnies take no notice I just sit quiet I know where they should show and bing, also you dont have great searchlights flashing about causing the local plods to be sat waiting for you (yes it has happened to me) because someone has "seen" someone with a gun ? my set up must weigh about 11 to 12 lbs scope alone is 3lbs, I have used it to "walk" up a shot at rabbits

and its more effective than "lamping" especially if you have a hedge or wood as your background you are near enough "invisible"to them have put apic of my NV set up in the photo section

cheers Keith

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an INFRA RED filter not just red? filter alone is £20ish

see photo I have a dimmer switch fitted but at very close range ie for rats I just use the supplied illuminator good for about 20 yards like I said with the max I can scour FULL fields

cheers Keith

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Most GEN1 NV has either 100mw IR illuminators if you get a good top end NV or below 100mw if you get the cheapies. Like i say go for a half way or top end GEN1 with a GOOD illuminator there is a 450mw illuminator i have been wanting to get my mitts on for a while (when i get the cash)




Works out about £60 and if i can wangle it send as a gift i will get around the import duty ;) I had a play with a Falcon a while back with a new IR illuminator and the vision was great i could make out the rabbits at 45 yards easily.



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I have a falcon NV scope, paid around 280 for it 18 months ago, it's great with just the on board illuminator & you can also dim the cross hairs. Put the additional IR illuminator & you can see out to 80yds, go carefull not to get too close to walls & trees when using it as you run the risk of blowing the tube!

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Gen1 is not as good as a lamp.

The very best gen 1 such as the old Night Super and the now defunct NS156 are just about ok but most others have too limiting a range. Even the best units require substantial IR illumination and a lamp with IR filter is ideal. Most gen 1 is ok for the actual shot but no good for finding that target in the first place. I had a D141 and it couldn't distinguish between a hedgehog a rabbit and a cat at 15 yds!

If going for the XVD attatchment you MUST have a decent scope. It's pointless sticking it behind a Hawke Sport etc as the scope is too poor for the NV to work with.

My 2cents worth is to get a decent lamp unless you can afford gen2 or better or unless you are using the gen1 for ratting or feral clearing from barns where range is short and target aquisition is relatively easy.

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