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my cool new berreta/ and my yard in feb


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Nice gun buddy. What's the trigger like on it compared to the Glock? I'm jealous, I always liked Beretta handguns but never got to try them out before the ban. Looks like I'll just have to talk nice to you next time I'm over and waste a few rounds at the range!


The snow isn't as bad as I thought it would be. I'm thinking next time I visit I'll come over about now. I haven't got much work in the winter. When's hunting season end? I'd like to do some summer vermin bashing too if you're up for it? Rach has a lot of holidays in summer (lazy *** teacher). Doubt I'll get much shooting done if I bring the boss mind!

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Nice gun buddy. What's the trigger like on it compared to the Glock? I'm jealous, I always liked Beretta handguns but never got to try them out before the ban. Looks like I'll just have to talk nice to you next time I'm over and waste a few rounds at the range!


The snow isn't as bad as I thought it would be. I'm thinking next time I visit I'll come over about now. I haven't got much work in the winter. When's hunting season end? I'd like to do some summer vermin bashing too if you're up for it? Rach has a lot of holidays in summer (lazy *** teacher). Doubt I'll get much shooting done if I bring the boss mind!


hey Neil hunting season ends in November in a few zones you can still hunt deer in december though and would be glad to have you here again and wouldnt mind at all letting you have a go on my new Berreta, as far as the trigger goes i like the Berreta's better its alot like a sigsauer realy nice and i like the steel frame on the berreta but i still think the Glock can take more punishment i was going to get a sig but they are alot of money and i get to shoot my dads when he comes to visit

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