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HW77k Sling


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Hi all can anyone sugest a type of fixing for a sling on a HW77 since I would like to fit one on my rifle but don't want to deface the wood work to much (drilling holes) and as a under lever my choice seems to be limited. I am only asking since we usually go out shooting at night and time is spent holding a Lamp and HW77 in the other arm, and it's heavy after an hour or so walking around. I am not asking the type of sling but just the best way to fix to rifle.




Jason :devil:

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been in hte same situation for years my self, and becuase of the slot for the under arm and the underarm which is just held there by a springloaded ball bearing you cant put anything on those, attaching anything to the barrel wont be benifical to accuracy, so basically you could put one of the after market sling mounts in the side of the stock and one in the base inthe conventional place, but that is as good as you will get


better check the depth of the wood as well, make sure you dont touch the internals

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I had a venem cobra sling on mine years back screwd in to the wood on the butt and a small clamp that went on the under lever just in front of the wood work. Whe puting the swivel in to the but put some masking tape over the part you want to put the swivel in to mark on the masking tape whare you want to drill. Make a small indentation with a bradel or centre punch then dril with a small pilot dril take your time here. if you have access to a pillar dril then use that to get the hole perfectly straight. If you dont have a pillar dril clamp and take a moment to line up and drill. dead easy. Now screw swivel in. when selling leave swivels on so you dont have an unsightly hole.



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brasing yourself with a sling isnt always the best way to shoot, when shooting like this you are constantly putting strain upwards, as you use the sling to lock into posistion, this can make you exhausted very quickly, and make you strength drop, and in turn your accuracy,


its all down to what suits you, by far the nest method is to shoot like a woman.......if you can and your stock is deep enough, rest your elbow on your hip and make a fist with your hand and support the bottom of the stock, however most guys cant do this without other pieces of equipment being added

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