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boxer woes


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hi-can anyone help my mate with his boxer-shes about 8 months old and ever since he got her about 2 weeks ago she will not settle at night-she whines and cries ALL night.My mate and his family are at the end of thier tether and have not slept for more than a few minutes since she arrived.They have tried spraying her with a water pistol but as soon as they shut the door to return to bed she starts again.The situation is now so bad that the council have been in touch following complaints fron neighbours......

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hi-can anyone help my mate with his boxer-shes about 8 months old and ever since he got her about 2 weeks ago she will not settle at night-she whines and cries ALL night.My mate and his family are at the end of thier tether and have not slept for more than a few minutes since she arrived.They have tried spraying her with a water pistol but as soon as they shut the door to return to bed she starts again.The situation is now so bad that the council have been in touch following complaints fron neighbours......


why not try the old alarm clock trick and put it inside a t-shirt ? the it gives it the feel of a heart beat when its ticking

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Hello Mate,


just a thought but the dog might be claustrophobic.

Did a job at a womens house once and she had a

small room with a sofa in just for her Boxer but she

said she couldn't ever close the door as the dog used

to play up. One day the dog was left in her car and it

wrecked the interior! Vet told her the breed suffers from

varying degrees of claustrophobia. (Might explain the one

we had chewing the door frame !)



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She's 8 months old and they've only had her two weeks - she's settling in. You don't say where she came from and in what circumstances, that could have a bearing on her behaviour.


Otherwise the best way is a battle of wills, crate her and get the earplugs in until she realises noise does not equal attention (in any form - water spray or otherwise). Unfortunately this will bring more problems with the neighbours.


They could try an anti-bark collar, which sprays water or citronella in reaction to noise - not harmful to the dog but not pleasant either.


Good luck



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A cold bucket of water will do the trick. every time the dog whine throws it over it, if it starts again throw another bucket over it. But you have to be on the ball to correct the dog immediately. The dog will get the message soon enough. Failing that an anti bark collar

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