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Ive got that all over warm feeling!

Ozzy Fudd

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you all know the saga of the boar rifle by now, so to cut this short im going to buy a gun in latvia to hunt boar with and leave it there (ill put it on sergeis licence, he's the gf's brother).


she got it all cleared with him tonight, so he sent me this link to the latvian version of guntrader :good: problem is now im looking theres about 5 guns i want to buy already, think ill have to buy him a bigger gun cabinet too.... :rolleyes:


so far im thinking of maybe buying a mossberg 500a (identical to the one i own here) for duck hunting and im looking at a few different rifles too; theres the usual browings, tikkas, etc, but also lots of russian kit (tokarovs, etc) which look very tasty - obviousley im buying a semi auto :angry:


heres the link latvian guns


the exchange rate is usually £1 = 1LS better, but its a bit low at the minute, about £1.20 = 1LS





edit - think i just found my new boar rifle :angry:



Edited by babbyc1000
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How come there gun trader has naked HOT CHICS holding the guns :rolleyes: Its just not fair!

Some nice guns on there! Alot of 30-06's, there might be a good gun mate :no: Can use on all the big game over there :angry:


ooops just spotted that now... :angry:


trust you to find the only one :good:

Edited by babbyc1000
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