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Public Footpaths


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I’ve just gained a new permission which looks very promising. For the first time I am faced with two of the fields, one with a drill of beans and the other with winter rape, being crossed with a public footpath. Having sat in the fields over a few days there are pigeon coming in on the rape, but also people using the public footpath. It is possible to shoot safely over the field, but how do others cope with similar situations. A friend has suggested that I ought to put out some notices on the footpath to show walkers that I am shooting and asking people to keep to the footpath.


What do others do in similar situations?

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I normally set up as far away from the footpath as possible (the birds don't go near them anyway) and don't shoot when someone is on the path if it is still within 100 yards from my hide, unless I am shooting away from the path.


I don't bother with notices and people have no right to stray from the footpath.

I just try to act as reasonably as possible and have never had any problems so far.


This is an extract from the BASC code of conduct.


"To shoot across a footpath or bridleway may constitute a public nuisance or wilful obstruction. There may also be a liability in negligence if it is known that people are on, or likely to be on, the path.

Information signs, if appropriate, should be erected on shoot days on footpaths or bridleways".

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I found the flightline below the footpath on the neighbours field so i set my hide on the wire fence backing onto the path. All shots were safe as I was firing away from the path up the huge field but I always keep looking both ways as birds approach so I don't scare anyone. It is a pain and sometimes can affect your shooting if someone is in the distance and there is a bird coming in - I always feel under presure at that point and struggle to relax with the shot. :good:

Putting out warning signs is a good way of covering yourself if anyone tries to complain and I always contact the police before shooting anyway.


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