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PC Help Please!!


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Immediately after installing IE8 (Yes i know, dumb thing to do!) the icon for the LAN connection very briefly came up as disconnected (as if i'd unplugged my router). Then i realised that i could not connect to the internet.


The short story is that the LAN connection in my network connection folder has vanished. There is no Network Adaptors in device manager, there is no network device heading at all! I can't reinstall the drivers as the hardware according to my PC doesn't appear to exist. It's an on-board LAN connection, Gigabyte P35 mainboard.


I've tried a system restore to two different point. Attempted numerous Windows knowledge base suggestions about registery edits etc. Other than a reformat as a final test before i assume the board is ****** any suggestions?

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Try the device manager, see if it shows up, if not sounds like your network card has failed or has become dislodged. If its a PCI network card try removing from the slot, if its soldered onto the motherboard you will have to buy a PCI card.

Edited by tjmoore
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You don't specify how you are currently connecting to the internet in order to post in this forum, but if you still have access to a reasonable broadband connection you could try downloading a live linux CD. These are bootable and would help determine if your network card is genuinely stuffed, or if your current installation has simply been corrupted.

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Try the device manager, see if it shows up, if not sounds like your network card has failed or has become dislodged. If its a PCI network card try removing from the slot, if its soldered onto the motherboard you will have to buy a PCI card.


Well i have already answered that but cheers for teh response. I think the PCI card is the cheapest soltution should it come to it! :birthday:


You don't specify how you are currently connecting to the internet in order to post in this forum, but if you still have access to a reasonable broadband connection you could try downloading a live linux CD. These are bootable and would help determine if your network card is genuinely stuffed, or if your current installation has simply been corrupted.


My work laptop through the router. I have Knoppix CD, nice idea! :balloon:


Reboot your machine. While it's startin up press F8. When you get the options choose "Last known good".


Might not work but worth a try, Cheers, JD


Hadn't thought of that but it didn't work. Cheers though.

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Fixed it last Sunday, well when i say fixed....


Gave in a paid £9 for a PCI LAN card. Slotted it in and PC 'found new hardware' but two LAN connections came up, yep, teh new one (PCI card) and the current assumed faulty on board on! Took the PCI card back out and the on board connection still works. 5 Days on it's been no problem (with teh exception of one instance of 'LAN uplugged' error occurring for one brief moment). I'll be dammed if i know why the PC would not recognise that port existed. Scanning in device manager for new hardware didn't do the job and looking back thought it should have. That new card must have kick started the search for those device drivers somehow.


Anyway, all fixed. Cheers for the responses chaps!

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