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Out last night and to cut a long story short.........


Got there, wandered round, not a dickey bird, looking for somthing safe to shoot pellet at to unload, Ja (JJ axeman on this forum!) goes "what the hell is that?", looked through scope saw black furry thing scurrying along hedge.


Rough description...........


Black, 12" long (APPROX!) furry, tail (longer than a ferrets but shorter than a cat).


This is only a ROUGH description as it was a way off and on the limits of the lamp.



What I'm guessing at is a MINK. Am I along the right lines?

If so what do we do about it?

Can we shoot it cleanly with an air rifle?

Will it desimate the shooting ground we have? (I want to eat the rabbits not let him have them?)

If I am to shoot it how do I bait it?

Is it best to do it during the day or at night?


Sorry about all the questions but this is something I feel I need advice on if I'm to deal with it correctly.

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Could have easily been a mink, or in fact a stoat, which can grow to a good size.


I beleive that mink can be taken, and are taken reguarly by keepers, due to their predatory nature. Is there water near by?? Mink revel in water, and will swim wth ease. If you can get within range I'm sure that you could fettle it witrh an air rifle, but they are extremely twichy and elusive, and you'd probably do better with a dog (with a good nose) or indeed a mink trap..several of which are openly available on the market.



Paul in North Lincs

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If it was black it would more than likely be a mink.


You would have to be a good shot to place a pellet on his bonce for a clean kill as the bleeders dont keep still for long.


Shotgun or rimfire would be best they are tough as teak, infact I had a good JR that jumped into a shallow river after one once and the blighter nearly drowned the poor dog. As Paul said they can swim like an otter and are very often mistaken for them by the inexperienced.



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You would have to be a good shot to place a pellet on his bonce for a clean kill as the bleeders dont keep still for long.

Looks like it's going to live to a ripe old age then! :)


Acouple of fields back there is a large(ish) pond (on land I don't have permission on so I can't be sure of exact details!) with a lot of wild fowl.

I guess he's going to have a field day there :)

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When you shoot the bas*ard send me the skin for fly tying there's a good chap :):)


Another non indigenous species released into the wilds by misinformed do gooders that is proliferating and doing extensive damage.


Anbody got any wild boar in their area yet ?, if you shoot one of those I'll come and collect it out of your way :lol::lol::lol:

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Another non indigenous species released into the wilds by misinformed do gooders that is proliferating and doing extensive damage.

But at least the Romans had the right idea bringing the rabbits over though!


What have the Romans done for us?......... :)

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