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laughing so hard I can't see straight


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This is priceless. From an anti-angling site, full of advice on 'sabbing' anglers:


3. Do not throw tackle in the water. It is a danger to fish, birds and other animals. Maggots will also drown in the water.


Maggots will drown! OMG! SAVE THE MAGGOTS!!!!!


These people are their own worst enemy (like us!). Also, it's interesting to note that anti-hunt sites refer to the BBC as "CA **** lickers", and fume at their "pro-hunt bias". I think the fact that both sides call them names is a pretty good indicator that they're actually pretty neutral...

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DO NOT MOCK :< ,you wouldn't laugh if it was your maggot that was drowning :D:lol: .those fishermen are terrible :) . i remember seeing a tv interiew a couple of years ago and the sab said that he would be willing to go to prison to save the life of a maggot (what a plum) :D

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Ahahaha. We should form an organization called "Christians Against Faggotry" , and start "sabbing" gay clubs, breaking gay's windows and so on. Tell the press that we were inspired by the model of hunt sabs; they perceive hunting to be immoral, so they act to stop it. We do the same. We can't be expected to just stand by while gay people are commiting acts that a small minorty consider to be immoral!




Edit: NB: I'm not a homophobe. :-D

Edited by jim_whitson
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