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Friday foxing fun

sussex lad

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Met up with Rob for a spot of foxing at a local estate where there are due to lamb any day now.

Rob arrived at 7pm and we made our way over to the shoot, upon arrival we discovered that some sort of do was being held in the big house and there was a lot of traffic to and from the house.

We didnt hold up much hope of seeing much with all the extra activity, but decided as we were there we would give it a hour or two.

A couple of laps of the grounds were made without a sighting so we parked up and had coffee and snacks :sick:

We returned to our patrols to notice a 4x4 parked up on the verge just of the road upto the house.We thought nothing of it so carried on.

20 mins later we noticed it was still there, so thinking something maybe up i pulled along side and asked if everything was ok.

The driver replied rather shortly that he was on the phone and that he lived in the house( its split into appartments).

So i appologised for bothering him, i could see that he was looking at what i was wearing (my camo's) so i explained that i was undertaking pest control for the land owner.

He replied oh and shut his window.

So we left him to his phone call and returned to the other end of the estate.

By now what ever was going on in the house must of finished as a steady stream of cars were leaving.

We made our way into one of the furthest fields to stay out the way. after driving 3 edges of the field we moved to the last side and noticed at last a pair of eyes in the hedge.

We moved closer and decided that it was deer in the far side as the eyes were about 3 feet of the ground.

After watching for a while they disapeared and then suddenly reappeared on this side of the hedge at fox height off the ground :twisted:

Rob definatly ID'd it as a fox so we moved in for a shot, he was totaly oblivious to us so we kept going until we were about 50-60 yards away.

I stopped and Rob took the shot.


This is the pretty side, the 22.250 at 50 yards doesnt do pretty :mrgreen:

1 big good condition dog fox in the bag.

We left the field to see sheep runing down the lane towards the house!!!!

How the hell did they get across a cattle grid?:yes:

It is one of those types with a grid one side and gate on the other. And the gate was shut 15 mins earlier as we crossed the grid.

So we spent the next 15 mins hearding 100ish very pregnant ewes and 1 mega stroppy lama back down the lane to the grid/gate which was still closed!!!!

Rob opened the gate and i ushered them through.

Had one of the house guests opened the gate?? was it the moody 4x4 owner, was the ghost from the pond?:yes:?

A couple of cars drove past up to the house while me and Rob had a well earned rest.

One more lap of the grounds was on the cards so of we went, not 15 mins after we had past it we found another gate open!!

Was someone playing silly ******* with us???

Who knows, we had had enough by now so of home we went.

I climbed into bed at 1am to be told by my loverly wife that the clocks had changed and it was really 2am and also it was her turn for a layin :shock:

Which meant i would be up with the kids at something like 6.30-7.00am!!!

OH JOY!!!!!

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