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Benelli L/H Semi - Mancino/M2

Easy Bully

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Hi, I've been looking around my local gunsmiths for an M2 with no joy but have come across a near mint Mancino for sale at £525 and was wondering about a couple of things, firstly has anyone had any experience with one of these and secondly is that a reasonable price for a S/H one?


I suppose what I'm thinking is should I hold out for an M2 and spend around £980 or will the Mancino do and save myself some money?


Thanks for looking.



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I had the L/H M2 Field in 9+1 shot. It was absolute mustard, but I sold it because I couldn't shoot straight with it. The M2 is more bulky than the slender Mancino, and obviously carries the day-to-day maintenance benefits of sythetic furniture.


I would try them both for feel, but aim for an M2. I sold my FAC one for £700, in VGC.

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I had the L/H M2 Field in 9+1 shot. It was absolute mustard, but I sold it because I couldn't shoot straight with it. The M2 is more bulky than the slender Mancino, and obviously carries the day-to-day maintenance benefits of sythetic furniture.


I would try them both for feel, but aim for an M2. I sold my FAC one for £700, in VGC.



Thanks, that makes sense, for sure I fancy the M2 but there's quite a price difference between that and a Mancino. I did try the M2 but only for a couple of shots and didnt shoot particulaly well but the stock was way too short so would have to have soemthing done to rectify that and am not sure it would be as easy with the sythetic stock as it would be with the wooden one on the Mancino.



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I had a fitting session with my M2 Comfortech this week, and found the standard (medium) butt pad leaves the stock too short for me also. I have a sneaking feeling that even the Benelli thick pad will be too short as well. I am trying to track down someone who got an alternative fitted, and if I find out I'll let you know.

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Exactly the problem I had - the maximum 14.5" length of pull was too short. Brownells sell an aluminium plate that can be bolted into the back of the M2's stock, as a base for installing extension spacers and an after-market recoil pad.



Have you had this fitted? sounds expensive...



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You mean this thing?




Did you have to do any work on the M2 stock to accept the bolts?


No, I sold the gun instead of modifying it. The 'smith was happy to do the work, but I was not happy that it would give the desired result.


The Mancino is a heck of a lot of gun for the money. I have used one many times, and really rate it.

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Has anyone who has used or is currently using a Mancino got any comments on them? it's just that it seems quite a lot of gun for the money..




I used to have a Mancino, very well made but sharp recoil with 3 inch shells.

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No, I sold the gun instead of modifying it. The 'smith was happy to do the work, but I was not happy that it would give the desired result.


Looking at the picture, and at the inside of the synthetic stock I would not at all surprised if the two bolts shown are actually going into some sort of expanding plug, especially as they state it is installed in under 10 mins. I am tempted to give them a call, I'll be in the USA next week anyway. If my suspicions are correct that's the sort of thing I can make for myself.

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