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Anybody tried those new Squirrel flavour crisps yet?


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I was just wondering.


Anybody tried those squirrel flavoured crisps yet, by walkers?


Do they actually taste anything like the real thing?


If we all wnet out and bought them we could highlight what a menace and problem the grey rattus arboretus is to the nation. :lol:





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I must have a look and see if the're for sale over here, wouldn't mind trying them. :blush:



If not drop me your address i will post you some.


I bought some bags of all the flavours and we tried them one night at our cubs night.....Now have lots left of all flavours none of the kids liked any of them....oh just checking no chilli & chocolate left!! thats strange



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If not drop me your address i will post you some.


I bought some bags of all the flavours and we tried them one night at our cubs night.....Now have lots left of all flavours none of the kids liked any of them....oh just checking no chilli & chocolate left!! thats strange



Thank's for the offer, i'll have a good look around first. :blush:

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