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superten FAC PROBLEM


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Hello all

can anyone advise on whats going on with my super ten. have owned it for a couple of years now and found it to be accurate and all round good performer.I recently had it adjusted to FAC 28-30LBS/FT. This is where I find my problems have started.I would have thought it would give me a relativlely flat shot to say 50 yards then start dropping off. Today I found I was missing sitting ducks!! so checked the zeroing at roughly 40-43yards and was suprised to see the pellets dropping off 3-4inhes and even then not being able to keep consistant groups of more than 1.5 inch. Used my tx200 12lbs/ft and found there was on a couple of inches drop difference compared to the FAC. Also notice a power arch as such when buddy bottle is half full, surely that should not matter as the rifle is regulated to give even consistant shots.

Used air arms field pellets today and yuk not my cup of tea,give me powapell or bisley magnums any day.Would be greatful for any advice on this and FAC Airrifles in general. Many thanks


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Did the scope come off the gun when you had it Fac'd? If I were you i'd start again. Take of the mounts, set your scope and re-calibrate your settings. The most important thing is the virtical. Otherwise take it back and ask for advice from the FAC'ers. You should have a mega -gun at the end of this. Good luck.

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hi david,


im not too familiar with FAC upgrades. Do you know what the gunsmith did to the rifle when it was upgraded? did he change the regulator?


it may be that the regulator is still the 12F/lbs reg and has not been changed for the export reg.


also how many shots are you getting per charge? im not too sure but i think baout 30 shots should be close to the max number (though i may be wrong on this)


not a lot of help i know but better than none LOL


all the best


ROB :)

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if you,ve checked every thing else ie :- pellets , scope , mounts , stock bolts , barrel cleaning , silencer movement , and magazine alinement , then it sounds like a regulator problem ( try 30 shots over a chrono ).

Some times they do play up , it happened to me , and BSA replaced it no prob .

even though your guns not new , give them a call , see if they can advise you .


Darren .

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