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met a guy i know today and he said did i want to come and shoot some pigeons on his rape, i said i would if he was in a real muddle, but another mate of mine does his pigeon shooting so declined the offer, jokingly i asked if you have a deer problem i would gladly sort that out, he said until recently he wouldnt mind if i came and took a few but he has some new neighbors and they have built a large raised platform behind their house to stand on to watch the deer in the valley and didnt want to upset them so it was probably better to leave the deer alone, then called his mate over and said did he have a deer problem, they both laughed and his mate said we are over run with muntjac and roe and a few reds are now starting to move in to his farm and him and his son had been discussing getting someone in to thin them out only this morning and if i popped round tonight he'd sort me a letter and give me a quick tour, he phoned his son who now runs the farm to tell him their problem was about to be solved as he had found someone who would reduce the numbers, but his son said ive got someone here right now and ive just given him a letter so you can tell your guy no need to bother, missed out on my first stalking permission by 1/2 an hour, GUTTED.

he did say he would call if the other guy didnt work out



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Mikee ,

If you do get a dear permission let me know .

Harnser .


hello mick, if i get a permission you will definitely be the first to know, how are your ribs doing after that triple back flip of your computer chair.

are you going to the show at the end of the month, if so which day? it would be good to meet up



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Just keep looking mate, something else will come up.


Been there myself made a phone call got a yes shoot the ground if you like, but i wanted to know the boundaries etc before shooting the ground, arranged to see him and just as im about to leave got a call saying that the shooting had already been sorted.....


Then today was chatting to someone about fishing and asked how his bunny prob was and after a 5 min conversation on last years problems and solutions i said i had an air riffle with a silencer and was told to come on up and help sort their rabbit probs out, so im off to see him next Thurs, and thats fo a local hotel which is next to a golf course which i may visit tomorrow.


So i think it is just a case to keep your hears to the ground as you never know what situation could lead to some shooting..


My target is to get a permission with rabbits on so i can apply for my FAC...one for the future :good:

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spaniel it was really gutting but i also felt bad for the guy who gave me permission, he looked very embarrassed at being over ruled by his son, i'll leave it a week or two and get in touch again, its not that i'm short of shooting, ive got more pigeon and vermin shooting than i can cope with most of the time but i fancied trying a different branch of shooting, ive shot shotguns for over 30 years at every quarry in the uk other than the grouse type species, but i have been getting more and more interested in stalking, i think the guy who turned me down was a partly worried that he didnt know me and maybe thought i just wanted to blast away at all the deer in the parish with no regard for any type of management but to be honest i'd be over the moon at just being able to go some where and take 3-4 beasts a year for the table and to learn more about deer habits and how to maintain or even improve the local herd by selective shooting etc but farmers are a funny bunch (no offence to any pw farmer members) who are funny about strangers on their land, put a center fire rifle in their hands and i can see why they can be cautious, i think the opportunity is still there it will just take a bit of carefull playing



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Know what you mean Mikee ref the different shooting, i got hooked on wildfowling last year and after last weekends stroll around the fields after Rabbits and Foxes for 4 hours with a 17HMR,and an excellent guy who offered to take me out i am getting really interested in this type of shooting , just different from shooting crows and pigeons..


Stalking deer must be excellent especially some of the stuff you see up in scotland




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i know what you mean about wildfowling, until the year before last when i got back into pigeon shooting when a mate got me some local pigeon shooting permissions nearly all the shooting i had done in the previous 12 years was wildfowling, on a winters dawn there is no better place to be than out on the wash or any estuary for that matter, i used to be crazy for it but since my old companion had to be put down i lost the interest as it was never the same without her, we would be out 2-3 times a week from the tay to the medway, driven game has never really flicked my switch although ive done quite a bit over the years, i much prefer to be out just me and the dog, but the last year or so being a PW member and reading all the threads on stalking has really sparked an interest and i cant wait to get a permission and have a go



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