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I'm keen to get a gundog for in the hide and for driven game, but a swe have 2 scotties at the moment this wasn't looking too pracicla.


A friend lives a few miles away and has offered that I can train up and use one of his flatcoat bitches (he has 2 at 11months old).


Would this be a viable option. Are they as biddable as labs? I hear that they mature more slowly.


Not sure how well trained thay are at the moment, but not as gun dogs I'm sure.

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Flatcoats == Mental.


They're an old wildfowling breed, so have pedigree for it from way back, but the three that my mum has had have all been either show breed or just bloody stupid. The current one just looks at the dummy when I throw it and then wanders over to it for a sniff. She's two or three or something like that.


If he's got working ones, I'd say go for it because they are beautiful, fun dogs. Delphi did quickly learn that walking at heel is a good idea when I have her on a lead too, so I guess she might have potential.

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I`ve had Flatcoats for over thirty years and, with proper training, they can make superb retrievers with probably the best "nose" of all the retriever breeds.


They are extremely biddable and anxious to please. Frankly, Flatcoats never grow up and are often described as the "Peter Pan" of the retriever world. Having said that, their liking for fun should have no bearing on their performance in the field and they will knuckle down to a serious days work with no problem.


The main problem with flatties as a breed is that they currently suffer from a number of health issues, especially cancer in later life. However, since you are not buying the dog, that won`t be your problem.


An eleven month old,currently untrained dog, with skilled and sensitive training probably won`t be ready for the field for another six months at least.


You could do far worse than give it a go.


Good luck.



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my mate has a couple of flatties, they both work well and can stick plenty of cold, any retriever can be trained for shooting, it may be a bit more difficult if they are from just show lines but an average dog is better than no dog, get yourself a good retriever training book and have a read up, try a book by a guy called Moxon



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