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on the peas again!


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Hi all,


Just keeps getting better for me at the moment, was out on thursday, met the farmer who show us round some more fields and farms, loads more permission :) .

decided to set up on two pea fields next to each other me in the far corner of one, my mate in the far corner of the other.

set up with 10 dead birds one on the flapper, started slowly shot around 3-4 in the first couple of hours then dead for an hour, picked up again. had a little spell between 5.30 till 6.05 pm of regular shooting every 5mins. they were decoying absolutely suicidally, had the wind behind me and was sitting in a ditch with the net up, i could hardly see over the ditch but they could not see me either ;) anyway finished the day with 31 + 1 rabbit. this is almost as good as my last bag of 32 but this time my kill to shot ratio was the best i have ever done exactly 50 shot's and that's counting at least 7 lost birds that i did'nt pick up! all in all another excellent day for me!!!! :(


ps: i put the magnet out when it went quite, but they were not interested, when they started to move again they were flaring from a mile off, so brought it back in, they soon started to commit again!!


thanks for reading and looking!




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