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Erm, should I buy a 2nd hand .22WMR


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As opposed to my first preference, the .17hmr

cos the local shop got a Weiracht(spelling :good: ) J60? in 22wmr

A nice bit of rifle( purely subjectively) & could be bought for a "bad" price ( he hopes)

It is the introduction of the vmax polymer tipped rounds that might "tip" me in this direction

but ammo costs :lol:

still dearer than .17hmr

i'm not tight, just comfortable with being careful.

Now why will some of the manufacturers not produce a "drilling" double barrelled rifle .22LR/.17HMR

Perfect solution for me







How do I delete this second posting

I appear to suffer from computerdsylexia

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Weihrauch makes cracking rimfire and centrefire rifles - the quality is right up there with Anschutz etc. I added a .22WMR to my collection a few weeks ago, and much prefer it to my .17HMR, principally because the WMR really is up to the job for foxing.

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would you use it for lots of rabbits though Baldrick? didn't you say you'd shot 3000 rounds through your HMR in a year bunny bashing wouldn't that be excessive with a WMR? the fox argument is fine but its still not a centrefire. I'd think about one if I was only going to have a rimfire and didn't have a lot to shoot with it, so needed it for a few rabbits and the occasional fox

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The ammo consumption was c3,200 rounds for the .17 HMR last year, which wouldn't have been viable if the ammunition wasn't expensed. I have been using WMR for rabbiting over the last ten days, principally because it still has novelty value, and having a relatively punchy semi-automatic is proving quite useful. I reckoned on it being particularly useful for fox cubs, and some other specific tasks.


I should stress that my judgement has been clouded by the irrational hatred that I have developed of my .17 HMR, in recent months. Cemented by my lamping partner buying his own .17 HMR, I've decided to get rid of my HMR altogether. The elderly CZ .22WMR rifle I have is pretty clunking though, and now that Browning has released the T-Bolt in left-hand synthetic, I am considering trading up.


Edit: the Browning T-Bolt looked great until I realised it is left bolt, right port, meaning I get all the brass dumped in my lap. Back to the drawing board...

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My wonderful helpful female? Firearms officer has said I should be good for the .17HMR

decisions decisions

Probably a CZ American

unlessen anybody got an Anschutz 64 MPR beavertail in .17 they are flogging off at a bad price



Edited am Friday 22nd

Awaiting a euro price for a heavy barrel Weihrauch Hw66J with the target style woodwork, the barrel goes with the wood work, I liked the woodwork, being used to target rifles.( we like what we know, :hmm::) as opposed to knowing what we like) & a good trigger

The heavy barrel CZ was nice too though, it felt "bigger" than the American, & I appreciate I could upgrade the trigger, the one I tried was a bit "creepy"


what is the deal with dry snapping a rimfire, I thought it was to be avoided?


Whats a second hand target rifle .22LR Valmet worth, in good condition



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