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HNC is it worth it??

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It depends on what you are doing it for. Do you want to do it in

Gamekeeping and Shoot Management?


If you have a HNC it my make you more employable but experience

counts a lot as well.


It is not a quick course most HNC qualifications take a least two years

to acheive so it is a big commitment, they also cost about £1000 a year

so How do you intend to pay for it? If you are working there is not

much funding available and you will have to find the cost yourself.


So again why do you want to do one? If it is to better yourself then

yes employers will look at you with the qualification over somone who

has none but if the other has ten years experience then the qual might

not be worth as much.


Cheers taz.



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HND= higher national diploma

HNC= higher national certificate


Truth is it will help, but experience counts for a hell of alot, no experience no job. I think if I had the option of doing one I would find a better subject to do one in, probably one that pays a decent wage.

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Are you looking to do this full or part time?


I have just finished an HNC and Im working on the HND, doing it distance learning as well as a full time job. It is effort but its not that difficult.


Im doing business computing IT.


Yes any qualifications make you more employable, if you do it distance learning you get the experience too. NB my distance learning is to the same schedule as the "in classes work", i.e. 15 months HNC, 2 yrs HND, 3 YRS Degree, and you can stop at any of the break points.


Check carefully what course you want to do, as once you start its very hard to change without starting again. Personally I wish I had done a business only course as I think its more useful to a wider range of employers.


Certainly worth doing it, 3 yrs goes very fast indeed, and distance learning give you both experience and qualifications, & a paycheck!


Hope this helps



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I've got a HNC and I do believe that it makes a big difference to employers. Yes, experience is good but if you can back that up with a formal qualification, all the better. One word of advice - once you get the qualification, carry on and do the next stage, once you stop it is very hard to get 'going' again..


Good lcuk

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