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I was on the crows on Sunday after a while of not shooting them. They were getting to be a real pain so I have been asked to give them a go on my Sunday shoot.


Having got a rabbit I was going to split it and lay it out as bait. However as they were coming in on the silage that had been cut I laid up under a trailer and waited. I shot one and waited but nothing came back so I laid the rabbit out and went back to my hiding place.


Nothing came back, there was lots of fly overs but nothing landed.


The only thing I could think of was that I had not removed the shot crow, were they getting scared off because of the body lying there?


Any ideas?

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i just stick a few black painted full body pigeon decoys out, they dont land but they do fly over to take a look, low enough to shoot.

yesterday had no decoys but stood by some trees on their flight line and had 2 of them, but they are clever and i had more turn away then what i shot at, but it was more of a training session with the springer yesterday..

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Crows are clever. They know when you are hiding ready to shoot them. :lol::lol::sly:


I know all about that! That's why I have left them alone for a while, they got wise to all my tricks!



i wouldve removed the crow asap,


That's what I thought. I just forgot to do it whilst I was laying the rabbit down :good:



, they dont land but they do fly over to take a look, low enough to shoot.


Not with an airgun though...................

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Not with an airgun though...................


Ahh you are right there, you maybe better off waiting for them to land in the trees or on the clamp if possible, then have ago at shooting them


But good luck

Edited by Spaniel
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I had a meeting today at a site riddled with crows. The buffet that was left after all the staff had left I put out on some open ground and waited at a good 150 m with a spotting scope to watch.

10 minutes passed before a magpie claimed the first bit of scrap. Crows were all around watching, a few brave ones came to look but jumped around the food pile, spooking themselves then withdrawing back a few meters before closing in. Must have been 15 minutes with several Magpies being chased by the faster crows for the food they had taken before the first crow took some scrap.

Still most of the crows were very cautious of the food pile, taking bits that fallen away from the pile when dropped by other birds.

Some of the crow fights I watched were chilling. They would not take the food them selves but were sure nothing else would!


Amazing to watch for 25 minutes. Very cautious birds and they did not have a go at the food scrap until a few Magpies had had a go first.


Will carry my Vid in the car for the next time.



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The crows learn as well.

There is another bloke that comes down on occasions with a shotgun. By all accounts he was not that clever, he was heard banging away all afternoon and missing everything! It got to the stage where the crows would ****** off every time they saw his white Land rover drive up :blink:

I was forever picking his empty cartridges up as well :good:


Crafty birds indeed.

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