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NTTF's Horse Hoof Bait for Charlies


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Made up some of NTTF's Horse Hoof bait and its been brewing for around 6 months, planned a trip sat with my eldest lad home from the RAF, got down the marsh area with a wood I have seen the odd set of eyes at night but nothing would pull them out of cover so i guessed they where young and hanging round the earth which i did not want to disrupt with my sent.


Now heres the trick I wanted to lay a bait trail that would drift into the wood to tempt them out which means I am the wrong side of the wind :P spoke with NTTF and he suggested soaking some cotton pads in a plastic bottle with the mix and leaving the top off on the truck to mask our sent which we did. Used a garden hand spray gun to lay a trail towards the hidden truck over a dyke and reed mace about 160 yards away to account for 1 inch high zero on my 75 grain boat tail hollow point Hornadys on the .223 which I had sorted for some Muntjac and did not have time to re set. Cup of tea and waited on dark trying not to lamp round to much, nothing seen up to 10:30 pm small set of eyes so i gave a few soft squeeks and on she came right up the trail, light on gave a click to stop her, bang one down to my surprise the shot placed between the ears top of head did little damage just a nice clean hole :ermm: . Left her there and about 15 mins later same again! waited for some time and nothing else showed but i did here another cub calling mum so theres more work to do. Happy that a new trick worked so cheers NTTF for sharing the tip :blink:


Edited by pavman
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Nice work Pav,

It's great where a plan comes together. I'm all out of NTTF-HHB, must look out for the ingredients :blink:

I am in the planning stage right now-have a sheep farm with lots of foxes to sort



Edited by AndyCM
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