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ok how many decoys do you set out ? Poll to find out!


how many decoys in your pattern?   

50 members have voted

  1. 1. picks number!

    • none I use witchcraft
    • 0-4
    • 5-8
    • 8-10
    • 10-20
    • as many as I can get helilifted to the field
    • 20 - 30

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It all depends on the time of year. You watch the birds feed and see if they are feeding in big numbers, close together, far apart etc, etc; Then you set out accordingly. In the winter when they are feeding in flocks You would use as many as you can, 20 wouldn't be too many, but on laid crops for example I would use less, maybe half a dozen.


But what you have to remember is different things work on different days, so don't be scared to change it throughout the day if you need to.


I'n sure other people will have a different opinion.

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