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laid wheat or rape stubble

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Hi All

As im a newbie and still have lots to learn just wonderd about your views on the following.

My permission has wheat which is at the moment being laid by pigeons pushing it down and in another area a few miles up the road fiedls of rape,what in your oppinion is better shooting over laid wheat or on the rape stubbles which will be there in 2 weeks,oh and of course there will be wheat stubbles too.So what should i get on.

Thanks guys(and girls)


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For me its not so much what they stereotypically prefer, its where you see the most birds and not just on the ground but in the air. Its more important to see steady flight lines crossing a field than to see 50+ on a field. Slowly over experience i have got out of setting up as soon as i see 50 birds on the field and now i will watch that field and then compare to other fields around before i decide where i shoot. The amount of times i have set up on a field full of pigeon only to find i take one shot and the **** never come back!

Hope this helps!


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