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Right place, Right time.


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While I was at work today I noticed the farmer was in the field next door (i have been trying to catch this farmer for a long time as he is not local to these fields) so I decided to try my luck.


"Good afternoon Sir, sorry to bother you while your busy but I'm trying to find some land to shoot over and was wondering if you have any vermin problems"


Now most of us have tried this question or similar on numerous occasions and after the question you wait to hear the ........


"Sorry, but we already have lads who shoot" or "Sorry, we don't have any problems so don't need any guns"


........ and I can understand these replies as it must be very difficult for a farmer to say yes to a complete stranger and allow them to walk around his land armed but today I never got those replies, the farmer said


"Yes, we get a lot of rabbits on this field and your very welcome to have a go at them"




:hmm: :look: Result ! :look: ;) It's only 3 fields but it's a lot closer than my other permission so I should be able to pop along for a few hours in the evenings if I fancy it.

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Just a little add on to this, while at my main permission yesterday the farmer said that the next door farm was having a lot of trouble with Rooks/Crows over the sheep feeders and would I be interested in going and trying to help him out with them. So another permission lands at my feet in a lucky week ..... now't on the lottery though! :blink:


Moral of my story is that at times for some people it looks like it's impossible to get land to shoot over but be patient and keep trying and something will turn up. As the title of this topic say's Right place, Right time which has worked for me this week.

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