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could some-one please tell me what make this moddy is, i bought it last year from Targ**sports, i was told it was a T8 Reflex, as it was my first ever c/f moddy i stupidly never questioned it !!!

i went today to order my 22-250 and asked if the ""T8""moddy would fit==yes it will was the reply, -- BUT it is,nt a T8,

anybody any idea what it is :blush:???

the dimensions are

260mm long

50mm wide

each end is knurled , so it looks like it,s strippable

it has a "rough" paint finish & is a 1/2unf thread







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There maybe variants of the T8 mod of which I know nothing about.


Mine was back, over barrel shroud type, was a sealed unit and was dog poop (would never have another).


What you have doesn't appear to be a sealed unit. It could be a T8 variant, but it looks nothing like the T8 I had.


P.S. Get a PES

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It is not a mod I recognise, but I can say with certainty that it's not an A-Tec, T8 or current Wildcat Predator. A few large RFDs and riflesmiths churn out their own moderators, and this looks like one of those that came from a less orthodox source.

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