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Springer sounding really twangy


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Hi All


Me and a friend recently brought .177 BSA Comets and i find that mine sound much much more twangy from my spring than my friends, is this normal?

It seems to fire pretty well but was a little unsure about the noise it makes! Should i be worried?

I have fired about 350 - 400 pellets though it now hoping that the spring was just wearing in but NO its still the same!


What should i do?


Sorry if this is a really newbie question but have to start somewhere i guess!!

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Never appreciated Springers


But aware of many that do


And in recent months have seen more in use on Ranges @ Lea Valley


And hear of Shooters that can make the difference and how they need more love and care


Joys of being a Club Shooters as there is alway's someone more aware than you on the Ranges most weeks..........



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I have only just really started to appreciate my springer. I have never owned a pcp and have always thought of them as better than my BSA but now i have goten quite a good shot with my springer i have no need for a pcp. It sounds to me that they reqire more routine maintaince charging etc. at my level of shooting this is not needed. if you have a springer get good with it and it is fair contest to a pcp and far cheaper.

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