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decoying on grass


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is it possible to decoy pigeons on plain old grass ? was thinking of setting of some deeks just off a flightline, i have seen pigeons feeding in the field before, on the clover perhaps ? any tips /thoughts/experiances appreciated.

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is it possible to decoy pigeons on plain old grass ? was thinking of setting of some deeks just off a flightline, i have seen pigeons feeding in the field before, on the clover perhaps ? any tips /thoughts/experiances appreciated.



yes is the answer jigga mate me and ryant (of this site) had a good day on the silage fields after it had been bailed and taken away i found having a magnet really helps set your decoys out in a horse shoe and put the magnet at the head of the horse shoe just in front of the hide so the pigeons head for that and yes prob will be the clover in the grass!!



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I went out shooting on grass field last night,

it was cut for hay around 3 weeks ago, and has had manure spread on it this week (underside of landcruiser now smelly.....)

some new clover was coming through.


this is a shoot i normal go walkabout shooting or stand under flightline, and have never shot more than 11 pigeons in one session

up here we dont get the huge numbers of pigeons, so decoying doesnt normally work, and certainly dont get big bags.


last night was nice and windy, strong NW wind, which is ideal for this shoot,

in an hour and half shooting I downed 8 birds, for 21 shells. Should ahve been more kills, but it was my first decoying of the season and excitment messed up a few shots...

i just had 3 decoys with me, but added real birds, i was sitting under pine trees, across fence from deeks, so only had limited window to shoot in, but i didnt have my hide, so put branches on the fence in front of me, worked very welll


the pigeons often stop offor a quick graze of clover or grass seed on way to roost


a good evening for me in whats a challenging pigeon shooting area, wish we could get the hundreds of birds up here....

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Guest topshot_2k

i have had good days on gras/clover. had 23 a few weeks ago, my biggest bag is 84 on clover a couple of years ago. We have 3 fields full of clover and as the rape and wheat isnt ready yet the pigeons are hammering it. We are shooting it tomorrow so i will report back :(

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Had a good day today on a grass field full of clover.


Phillip from Northern Ireland, a regular shooter with me, shot 121 woodies, his first ever 100+ day.




Set up at 08:30 and packed up at 16:00, shooting less than a mile from my dad's house in Fife.


Running total for the last 5 days is 446 woodies.




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