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Heres an odd one....

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Right, i have a friend whos husband has left her and moved abroad to be with a rather masculine looking thai girl. Now the more shocking thing is he has left two quite nice shotguns in his dust.


She is wanting rid of them, i am happy to take them off her hands or dispose of them on her behalf. However, i dont know where she will stand legally?


There may be a couple of scenarios

1) They have been transferred to her dads ticket......which then wouldnt be a problem.

2) They remain on her ex's ticket......but have been held by her father (licence holder) for quite a long period of time (yes i know they shouldnt have) and she wants to sell?


Any thoughs appreciated

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Depends on which scenario is the right one I suppose!


If it's not number one, then technically nobody else should have access to the guns or cabinet keys.


I'd say this one might be a question for the Firearms dept. If the husband still wants them, then they still belong to him. Anybody taking them may be guilty of 1. Theft of a firearm and 2. Illegal possession of a firearm.


You don't wanna be taking solutions off a forum for this one, mate.

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Well I wouldn't be taking them off her hands if it wasn't legally sound, am not that daft. If their on his ticket, I obv have an issue. If their not, I don't. The question is, he has just left them and she has access. It her father has them, then there is no issue. Wasn't after advice, just thoughts

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You should probably find out exactly what the story is then... Too many variables at the moment to give thoughts on what may or may not happen.

Personally though, if they're only on the ex's ticket, they're 100% his responsibility to deal with. Leaving them alone with somebody else having access is a bit silly though. (If that's the scenario)

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Thanks guys. Sorry, i wasnt being arsey in my response Humperdingle, i am definitely not willing to take them off her hands with no questions!

I just want to be able to provide her with the advice whatever the situation is.


No, I wasn't suggesting that mate. It would be so easy to be tempted by a cheap or free couple of shotguns. I'd even suggest you give her the phone number of your force FLO. Worst case scenario for you is that you don't get the guns. I'd rather see that than anyone have their SGC revoked, or worse.

Let us know how it pans out... I'd be interested to hear the outcome.

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Talk to her father if he is the one holding them then you need to know if they're on his ticket if they are then all hunky dorey as far as the licensing people are concerned. Though he may not in theory own them he does in the eyes of the licensing people and I guess if your friend is going through a divorce then possibly they partly belong to her however its all a bit messy and I'd let her father deal with it as he has the guns at the moment

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Will drop her a note this morning and find out. There is another issue, that if the guns are held on the ex's licence, but have been kept by her father......then he has had them for an extended period of time. Which therefore puts him in the scheiser aswell for not informing the fire arms dept.


A tricky little situation. But as you say, am just letting my mind run with scenarios. A winner is the father has them on his ticket. A couple of purdys wouldnt be bad for £50! In my dreams eh.

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