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Sweetcorn/Maize drillings


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This may seem like a stupid question to those of you who have lived in Southern England for a while, but I'll ask anyway.


I've found a field of freshly drilled sweetcorn/maize on a farm near where I shoot. It was only drilled 2 days ago and there are no pigeons on it yet. I'm wondering if it's worth me tracking down the farmer for permission. Do Woodpigeon like sweetcorn?


(They don't grow it where I come from.)

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I have never shot over maize either.


My brother-in-law who lives in Lincs does though and rates it highly.

He doesn,t have a lot of traditional pigeon crops there, mostly potatoes.

It could be that his local pigeons don,t have a lot of choice.


I would seek permission anyway, perhaps the farmer can tell you wether he gets pigeon problems on the crop.

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We shoot over maize game strips & depending on what else is around at the time, it can be very good shooting! :) Early in the year when the pigeons main food source is rape, the maize shoots well. When it has been harvested, is another good time to try. But as that's later in the year, there may be other good food sources around.

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one of the local farmers to me drill about twenty game cover strips on his land, the gamekeeper always phones me a few days before drilling starts and then will keep me up to date as to which ones need protection. I think the fact that it is the only drilling around and also only small areas may be why the pigeons go mad for it

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