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Sighting Query


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I picked up a secondhand S16 a month or so ago and have been using it in the field after having zeroed it in at 20m. Its been absolutely fine, however after using chairgun I decided to re-zero it to 30m or rather 33yards. But what I found was rather strange.


I expected at the very least to make a slight adjustment to the turret, but this was not the case. So I set about marking distances with increments of 5 yards from 15 yards upward to 35. Using a sighting in target, then took 3-5 shots at each distance. I was very surprised to find that I managed to maintain a Kz of no more than just half an inch from centre. Dont get me wrong, I am very pleased with the outcome. I just find it a bit of a puzzle.


The laser, which is mounted in the usual S16 position, has not been adjusted either. From verification to my set distances I reckon it to be zeroed at 25yards. This seems to give me very accurate range estimation. Ive also noted that at the longer distances the laser dot rises above the cross hair and that the amount of rise is the exact amount of hold over I should use! Ive tested this in the field recently and despatched a rabbit at just over 40m with a head shot.


Have I just been very lucky with this setup or can this be explained?





Edited by Axe
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Draw 2 converging straight lines on a piece of paper to represent the sight line of the scope and the line looking down the barrel.

Think of them crossing at about 15 yards.

Then draw the path of the pellet, which will start to drop away as soon as it leaves the barrel in an slow (at first)arc.

The path that you pellet takes will be crossing the line of sight at 20 yards and dropping back through it at about 35yards if I have understood your post correctly.

The heights that the pellet achieves above the sight line will be amounts above the bull that you are getting on your tagets at the various ranges.

Some people refer to the distance between the two points that the pellet crosses the line of sight as the 'point blank' range.


You should be able to draw it all to scale on graph paper using different horizontal and vertical scales.

You then have a ballistic chart for your weopon and by able to assess the holdover you reqire for various ranges.

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  • 3 weeks later...

personaly i would recomend putting the rifle over a chrono ASAP!!!!


I would have expected a 12F/Lbs .22 rifle to need about 3" hold under/over covering these distances.


35yards should be about the peak of the pellets travel and 30 yards should still be on its way up 15 yards would have expected it to be shooting about 1-2" high (above point of aim)



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I will of course be getting the rifle on a chrono ASAP. But really I dont think its over and it was tested at 11.4 before I picked it up.


My hold over is based on the position of the laser in the recticle not the target. If the laser dot is halfway between the centre and top of the 'north pole', I simply use the same point but on the 'south pole'.....how many inches of holdover would that be!!!!


Im not shooting at any great distances, most of my quarry is taken at 30-35 yards. And of course my previous 40metre shot was an estimated range not a measured range so there is always a chance I over estimated in the heat of the moment........I mean 'The fish was this big'!! Still my shooting buddies were all in aggrement that it was a fine shot!


I am starting to think that my scopes have played a part in this. For instance I notice that when I use zoom in and out with the laser on, the dot moves up and down the recticle. I normally keep the Mag at around 5-6 but cant honestly remember what mag was set on the first zero. Perhaps this has had something to do with it. I will however, be getting a fresh tin of accupels and plinking a hundred shots or so to try and work it all out.





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