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Having had a SGC for 20 years an just recieved my FAC, i can only add to the above by saying put EVERYTHING down, even speeding offences. They will mention these even if you don't. Mine were 6 points from four years ago, so whilst still on my licence, do not count.


The FEO still went through them, and reading through a couple of shooting articles, some constabularies can use the points as a way of removing an FAC from you on the gorunds that if youare not sensible enough to drive within the law, why should you be trusted with an FAC.......

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the reply if they mentioned fixed points would be along the lines of how many serving police officers have fixed points and are allowed to serve, trust me its a lot!


Just put them all down you can't put too much information down after all, they'll have the information anyway so you just look like you're trying to hide things if you don't put them on

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If you fill out any form including a SGC that asks for "previous convictions" then you do not need to disclose cautions, fixed penalty notices etc...


Convictions are when you have had to attend court after being charged with an offence.


Some forms will specify that you must declare all cautions and convictions including any driving offences. This is when you have to disclose everything.

You may well be turned down this time but it depends on the circumstances and how long ago the offence occurred. Cautions are held on record but considered "spent" after several years.


Hope this helps.

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